
Monday, September 30, 2019

Burn Case Study

Mr. Davis is a 56-year-old man who was involved in a fire in his home. He was smoking a cigarette and fell asleep, dropping the cigarette and igniting the bed linens. He sustained full thickness burns over the upper half of his trunk and neck (anterior and posterior) and the posterior aspects of both upper arms. He also sustained superficial partial-thickness burns to his face and hands. He arrived at your burn unit 5 hours after injury. Labs were drawn. A foley catheter and NG tube were inserted in the ER. Assessment findings: Height is 72 inches, weight is 185 lbs.You auscultate wheezes in the patient’s lungs and he has a productive cough of a small amount of carbon-tinged sputum. Mr. Davis rates his pain at a â€Å"9† on a scale of 0-10. He denies pain at the chest, neck, back, and upper arms. Urine output has totaled 150 ml since the foley was inserted 2 hours ago. His foley is draining burgundy-colored urine. Mr. Davis is experiencing nausea, has faint bowel sounds , and his abdomen is distended. A nasogastric tube was inserted to low intermittent suction and is draining dark yellow-green liquid.His extremities are edematous making the pulses difficult to palpate. His blood pressure is 96/50, pulse 114 beats per minute, respirations are 24, and temperature is 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The greatest initial threat to a patient with a major burn is hypovolemic shock. Using the above assessment: 1. Do you think Mr. Davis is experiencing hypovolemic shock? If so, what data supports this? (2 points) Yes, Mr. Davis is most likely experiencing hypovolemic shock, due to low blood pressure, increased heart rate, as well as an increase in respiratory rate.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

American Presidency

Domestic policy encompasses a variety of policy issues which range from poverty, law enforcement, environmental protection, labor relations among other issues. However, in recent years, the focus in domestic policy has shifted to focusing on health care insurance, stem cell and AIDS research, prescription drug coverage, educational testing and accountability, drilling, logging, welfare reform, gay marriage, affirmative action, homeland security, transportation safety among other issues . Discussions over these issues are usually contentious since the members of the cabinet have control over how they are formulated and implemented.The cabinet was created in order to allow political constituencies considered important an institutional voice in running of the government affairs. The rise of important constituencies and issues necessitate the devotion to domestic policy by agencies. In this regard, the presidents in power have usually coordinated policy development using centralized mech anisms. History of domestic policy over various administrations. Many presidents have long felt that they had limited powers over the domestic policy.During the 1930s, Franklin Roosevelt had a desire to increase control over this policy and began examining the legislation which was being sent by agencies and departments to Congress. This was a process which was known as ‘central clearance' and it was aimed at strengthening the presidency. It achieved this purpose since after sometime, in addition to examining the proposed legislation; the president has the power to examine the executive orders, proposed testimony and enrolled bills. In 1939, there was the creation of the Executive Office of the President.There was also the creation of White House Office, and this ensured that the president had a cadre of personal staff at his disposal. President Truman increased involvement in development of policies, as well as the size of personal staff. Dwight Eisenhower doubled the staff p ortfolios including the White House Office for planning, atomic energy, and agriculture and airways modernization. President Kennedy joined the presidency and undid most of the formal structures that Dwight Eisenhower had developed, though he retained the White House policy development.Lyndon Johnson made sweeping policy changes in the domestic policy and expanded the domestic staff of the White House. He also institutionalized several task forces which consulted within and outside government to seek new ideas. President Richard Nixon transformed the Bureau of the Budget of Office of Management and Budget. This office was designed to help him in management the wider executive branches. New political appointees were installed and they had a higher rank than the career analysts of the agency.The next president, Gerald Ford, eliminated the Domestic Council and created the Economic Policy Board which was also staffed by personnel of the White House. Carter on the other hand sacked five cabinet secretaries, and this undermined the gains which had been made as far as centralized staff was concerned. Ronald Reagan increased control of central domestic budgeting and he defended this decision by explaining the need for urgent budget at the time. This led to an increase in control of the policy development.He also used the White House to create seven cabinet councils and their purpose was to ensure that heads of departments followed priorities of the White House. His model has been retained by subsequent presidents, though it has changed names severally. Under President Bush, it was known as the â€Å"Domestic Policy Council'. President Clinton on the other hand increased the National Economic Council and this was formed to handle issues which did not fit into DPC or NSC jurisdiction. The system was also retained by President Bush, and he increased the composition of the DPC staff to over twenty professionals.Power of President over domestic policy. Currently the Presi dent has limited powers over the domestic policy due to influence from Congress. However, the president can influence the domestic policy through two ways; appointments or reorganization. These ways can be used to gain influence over agencies which the presidency has no prior control over. The presidency can also to a certain extent influence the interpretation of law through directing the agencies on how to interpret bills which have been signed into law, by use of ‘signing statements'.In case legislation is silent or vague on certain matters, the presidency may use executive orders, presidential proclamations or memoranda to shape the implementation of the law. It may shape the law and direct it in a direction which may be different from the one the lawmakers contemplated. For instance, President Clinton used the presidential proclamation to develop a national monument in Utah, on two million acres of land. President Bush on the other hand set up a military tribunal for non- citizen terrorist suspects through an executive order in 2001.Another means which the presidency uses to control domestic policy is through the process of rule-making. The Office of Management and Budget plays the role of reviewing the regulations of the central clearing process. This office has also the power to review draft regulations, especially those which are not favorable to the society. In 1985, an executive order was issued to agencies, requiring them to forward an ‘anticipated regulatory actions' list which was to be reviewed by OMB. Interest groups and legislators grumbled, though Reagan and subsequent presidents have maintained these processes, some of which are stronger.Congress realized this loophole and established statutory power which delayed changing major rules by sixty days, in 1995. During that period, Congress also gave itself power to veto such decisions through joint resolution. In 2001, this veto was used against rules of ergonomics which the Occupatio nal Safety and Health Administration had issued. American Presidency control over foreign policy. The United States foreign policy guides the relationship which the United States has with other foreign nations.It is very influential mainly due to the reason that the United States has the largest economy and that it is the only superpower present . The aim of the US foreign policy is the creation of a prosperous, democratic and secure environment for Americans and the international community. It deals with export controls such as non-proliferation of nuclear hardware and technology, safeguarding US interests abroad, as well as fostering trade and economic relations with other countries. Many people are of the opinion that the American presidency has more control over foreign policy than domestic policy .This especially became clear after the September 11 terrorism attacks against the United States. However, there has been a long conflict between the President and Congress over the ri ght to formulate foreign policy. The main debate has centered on if congress and the Presidency are equal partners in formulation of the foreign policy, or if the Presidency is solely responsible for the formulation of the foreign policy. There is also a debate on whether Congress has the right to enact legislation which controls the flexibility of the Presidency.This struggle for control of foreign policy between Congress and the Presidency began during the world wars after countries began being interdependent. In 1920, Congress challenged the presidential treaty and began being assertive in running the foreign policy agenda. Some people are of the view that the intrusion of Congress in the running of the foreign policy has been disastrous and may have hindered a crucial US role, which may have averted World War Two . War powers. According to the US constitution, the President and Congress share power to declare war against other countries.However, many presidents have not involved Congress when ordering war against other countries which are considered to be enemies of the United States. President Thomas Jefferson dispatched US Naval ships to guard vessels against attacks by pirates without prior Congressional approval. The president later secured support from Congress, though he set a precedent which has been used by many subsequent presidents. Another example is President Nixon and Johnson who although had support from Congress, there was unanimous agreement among Congress that the actions in the Vietnam War had gone beyond those which had been given approval.In 1973, the passing of the War Powers Resolution Act was passed, and it required the president to seek approval from Congress whenever soldiers were about to be put in harm's way . It also stipulated that hostilities should be ended by the President within 60 days, unless war had been declared against another country by Congress, or if the 60 day condition had been extended by Congress. The third exce ption was if withdrawing soldiers after 60 days would cause harm to them. Non military foreign aid.Foreign assistance is a part of the US foreign policy and is under the international affairs budget of the State Department. Some of the components include economic assistance which supports security and political goals, bilateral development aid, multilateral economic contributions and humanitarian aid. In fact, the US is the largest aid donor internationally in absolute dollar terms. Domestic versus international powers. Currently, the United States Presidency has greater power in the international arena, as has been analyzed in the domestic policy and foreign policy above.Due to the resistance by Congress on control over the domestic policy by the Presidency, this marked the beginning of curtailing the President's powers as far as domestic policy control is concerned. It has also been discussed that in 1995, Congress gave itself statutory powers to delay implementation or even rever se unfavorable policies and laws which are imposed by the Presidency. On the other hand, it has been discussed that the US foreign policy was also meant to be controlled by the Presidency and Congress on an equal basis .The opposition to unpopular presidential policies began as early as 1920. However, President Thomas Jefferson set a precedent when he overlooked the mandate of Congress as far as foreign policy formulation is involved. This precedent was followed by many subsequent presidents, as has been discussed in the paper. Other presidents sought the approval of Congress before implementing foreign policy, but once they got this approval, they went beyond the boundaries of the mandate that they had been given. This undermined the role of Congress as far as foreign policy was involved.Currently, it is clear that the Presidency has more control over the foreign policy than over the domestic policy. The domestic policy can only be influenced through appointments and reorganization . This is a very limited form of control over Congress. However, in the foreign policy control, the Presidency can impose policies which go over the mandate of Congress. This illustrates that the American Presidency has more control in foreign policy affairs as opposed to the domestic policy. Arguments against greater international power by US presidents.Some people are of the view that the US presidency should have limited powers as far as foreign policy or international power is involved. One of the main reasons for supporting this argument originates from the track record of previous presidents as far as international power is involved. Many of the previous presidents including Gerald Ford, John Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, George Bush and Ronald Reagan have been accused by many political experts of pursuing American interests as far as capitalist tendencies are involved, and ignoring domestic issues including real democracy and human rights.For instance, President Bush has been accuse d of exploiting international power and waging the war against Iraq, which has cost billions of dollars, yet many people in America do not have access to basic services . The number of people who do not have medical insurance at all, or have limited coverage, is more than two million, and millions others do not have access to decent housing. In spite of this situation, billions of dollars are being spent annually in Iraq and other external military installations, despite opposition from the public.There are also people who are of the opinion that the US foreign policy supports some current and former dictatorial regimes through the foreign policy, and this undermines the gains which have been made through democracy, as well as undermines the human rights agreements. Due to the current financial crisis which faces the United States and other countries of the world, it is very important for the current US President to concentrate more on the domestic policy than international policy, since the economy of the United States is at stake.Summary and conclusion. It has been discussed that the American Presidency has certain influence over Congress in both the foreign and domestic policy affairs. However, the Presidency is able to control the foreign affairs policy more than the domestic policy largely due to the precedent which was set by President Thomas Jefferson. Most people are against the excess control over the foreign policy, especially during this time of the global economic crisis, where the Presidency should be more focused on improving the local economy.It is hoped that the current president will involve Congress in all policy affairs, in order to get through the economic crisis and develop an effective foreign policy. Works Cited. Ambrosio, Thomas. Ethnic identity groups and U. S. foreign policy. Washington: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2002, p 117-122. Barilleaux Ryan J. & Rozell Mark J. Power and Prudence: The Presidency of George H. W. Bush. Texas: Texa s A&M University Press, 2004, p 27-32. DeConde Alexander, Burns Richard Dean, Logevall Fredrik. Encyclopedia of American foreign policy. Washington: Scribner, 2002, p 255-261.May Bernhard, Honicke Michaela, Moore Michaela Honicke. The Uncertain Superpower: Domestic Dimensions of U. S. Foreign Policy After the Cold War. Washington: VS Verlag, 2003, p 29-36. Singh, Robert. American Government and Politics: A Concise Introduction. New York: SAGE, 2003, p 270-275. Sylvan David & Majeski Stephen. US Foreign Policy in Perspective: Clients, Enemies and Empire. London: Routledge, 2009, p 40-46. Wittkopf Eugene R. 7 McCormick James M. The Domestic Sources of American Foreign Policy: Insights and Evidence. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007, p 34-38. American Presidency The books Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents: The Politics of Leadership, The Presidency In A Separated System, and Debating the Presidency: Conflicting Perspectives on the American Executive attest that in the United States, the president has extensive powers. He or she functions in many capacities on tap. As a separated system, Charles O. Jones says that the American president essentially though the president in the United States is also the chief policymaker and leader of the president’s political party, they share the roles of head of state, head of government, and commander-in-chief of the armed forces (Neustadt, 1991).The president is thus the most unifying force in a political system in which power is highly dispersed, both within the government and between government and the people. The president and advisors also establish and administer national policies in such areas as social security, education, health, civil rights, and air and water pollution (Neustadt , 1991). Because of the importance of the United States in international affairs as the president is the chief diplomat himself, the US presidential race is followed with interest all over the world.Richard J. Ellis and Michael Nelson also point out that as the U. S. politics as a separated system affects the elected president, the US president, as political leader, appoints cabinet and subcabinet officers, federal judges, US attorneys, and ambassadors to important foreign countries and fills several thousand other jobs of varying importance. The president also administers an executive pork barrel or the distribution of federal funds to be spent on public works, military installations, and social programs.The president and advisors also establish and administer national policies in such areas as social security, education, health, civil rights, and air and water pollution. The foremost prize of American politics is granted to anyone who qualifies for the position after a ballot vote . The election of the president of the United States every 4 years is the focal point of the American political process. Because of the importance of the United States in international affairs as the president is the chief diplomat himself, the US presidential race is followed with interest all over the world.The formal qualifications for presidential candidacy, as limited by Article II Section 1 of the Constitution, are that the aspirant must be at least 14-year natural-born resident of the United States and must have reached the age of 35. the 25th Amendment to the Constitution details procedures for presidential and vice-presidential succession when there is a vacancy in either office that the president becomes incapacitated.Should the presidency and the vice-presidency become vacant simultaneously, the Speaker of the House and the president pro tempore of the Senate, in that order are next in the line of succession, followed by members of the cabinet in a specified order. When w ar broke out in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson had announced a policy of neutrality for the United States. This policy was hard to maintain for a number of reasons. Most Americans sympathized with Britain and France because they were democratic countries.It is the exemplary polity of the United States that buttresses the foreign policies established and engaged in by American presidents (Jones, 1994). How much a president is weighed down by either a domestic policy or a foreign policy is a matter of debate. From a pragmatic perspective, the ease of the president’s management of policies is contingent on persistence to the United States’ welfare in the long run. For instance, U. S.military and foreign policies have been progressively maneuvered by the need to guarantee steadfast access to overseas oil, more than ever in the Middle East, and that as American imported oil dependence carries on to ironically strengthen our industries and conflict with some British-dependen t Arab nations, the American forces will ever more find themselves waging war to guard oil-producing zones and supply routes. American leaders have preferred to â€Å"securitize† oil while preserving healthy international relations (Ellis and Nelson, 2006).Foreign policies have also made American presidents wary of their consequences at the local level (Zernicke, 1994). No question about it; the 9/11 incident was the commencement of enlarged hostilities and vigilance as well. Security needs have turned our country into a police state. The bottomline of this is the tight spot between safety of private individuals and the world as a whole (Ellis and Nelson, 2006). Adds Richard Neustadt, the United States is a natural businesswoman too if modern capitalism is any indication. The United States is one of the four huge countries that accounted for more than two-thirds of total world exports.The president truly accustomed to this separated system seems to partake not merely the powe rs but the country’s resources as he welcomes the idea of internationalism because it is what will make most of the Americans’ lives easy however hard it may be for him to sustain the strength of the U. S. dollar in the international market. The American economy has been a symbol of the wealth of a nation. The efforts of our forefathers and present geniuses have created economic values, which drive the presidents to be protective of local interests in the global village (Neustadt, 1991).Historically, as the United States grew stronger economically, its leaders continued to favor a policy of expansion. The rapid growth of industry created a need for markets for American manufactured goods and a need for raw materials (Ellis and Nelson, 2006). Moreover, several prominent Americans believed that expansion would demonstrate American power and greatness. It was the destiny of the United States, they argued, to become a great power, and this meant extending American influenc e to other lands and raising the American flag on distant shores.It may not be easy to carry out foreign policies for a single president that may need to contend with a legion more of leaders in the international arena, but what his painstaking efforts make of his image will be an easy preference for the people that put him in the White House (Neustadt, 1991). Many international allies resented the growing influence and power of the United States. They felt their neighbor to the north had turned from a protector to an aggressor. But by its role in the Caribbean, in particular, the United States revealed its strength as a nation.In only a little more than a century it had grown from an infant republic to a major power in international affairs (Ellis and Nelson, 2006). Richard Neustadt, Charles O. Jones, Richard J. Ellis and Michael Nelson prove that Americans cannot deny the fact that in our political experiences, the successive change in political leadership led to anything but an i mprovement in the lives of the people. The domestic policies had improved education and had built housing, schools, roads, and railways. But on a larger scale, federalism just proves that the American polity is the most influential political event in world history.It provided for the actualization of the ideals and principles of such political thinkers as John Locke, Rousseau, and many others (Jones, 1994). The achievement of independence, adoption of the Constitution, and the creation of the republic served as lessons to other people in their struggle to build their nation. The success of the federal republic proved that individual states could be united under a central government but still free to act in order to solve their internal problems (Neustadt, 1991).We have been living under representative democracy, which basically means that we have elected presidents among a variety of leaders to represent us, to give us voice in forums, and then periodically we have judged well they represented us. American polity, in the very form of the Constitution, gives the world a mindset miraculous in the era of revolutions; that if we value freedom and independence, if we are disturbed by the conformity of attitudes, values, and behavior that bureaucracies often induce, then we may wish to set up conditions and policies that foster uniqueness, self-direction, and human dignity, locally or globally.Works Cited Neustadt, Richard. (1991) Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents: The Politics of Leadership. Free Press. Jones, Charles O. (1994). The Presidency In A Separated System. Brookings Institution. Ellis, Richard J. and Michael Nelson. (2006). Debating the Presidency: Conflicting Perspectives on the American Executive. CQ Press.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Role and Functions of Law

Roles and Functions of Law Tanya S Kleinschmidt Law 421 March 25, 2013 Walter M Pence III Roles and Functions of Law Law is vast and diverse, which makes it overwhelming and confusing. The main purpose of the law is to create order in society and business. Law can be defined as â€Å"the body of official rules and regulations, generally found in constitutions, legislation, judicial opinions, and the like, that is used to govern a society and to control the behavior of its members, so Law is a formal mechanism of social control† (Sixth Form Law, 2012, par. 4).The following will describe the function of law and what role it has in society and business in addition to looking at how law affects a specific industry. Because American law is so diverse, it is broken down into several categories. Those categories include; Criminal law versus Civil law, Substantive law versus Procedural law, and Public law versus Private law. Please note that these categories are broad, and they are no t mutually exclusive. An act or transaction can be classified in more than one legal category (Melvin, 2011). First, laws, primarily statutes, are considered to be criminal or civil.Criminal law protects society. It is between private parties and society. For example, if someone is brought up on murder charges they would be tried in a criminal court of law. Violations of criminal law could result in penalties of fines or imprisonment to violators if convicted of the crime and proven to have intentionally committed the crime. Civil law is between private parties. Civil laws are created to compensate parties who have experienced losses because of the other parties’ actions. Examples of civil law could be divorce and accidental injury cases. Next are the differences between Substantive law and Procedural law.Substantive law is a statutory law, which deals with the relationship between people or people and the state. Substantive law is used to define, regulate, and create peopleà ¢â‚¬â„¢s rights and obligations. They deal with the structure and the facts of the case to determine the type of crime and the severity. It also defines the rights and responsibility of the accused. For example, there are several degrees of murder, depending on the circumstances and the intent; there are different levels of punishment. On the other hand, Procedural law is a set of rules that govern the proceedings of criminal lawsuits and civil proceedings.It elaborates on the steps of how the case should proceed as well as assists in determining if the case requires a trial. These laws ensure fair practice and consistency in the due process (Diffen, n. d. ). Last is the summary of Public law and Private law. Public law governs the relationship between individuals and the government. It includes constitutional law, administrative law, and criminal law. Domestic violence is an example of Public law. Private law, also known as common law in some countries, governs the relationships be tween individuals. It includes civil law, labor law, commercial law, corporations law, and competition law.An example of Private law would be a contract for services. If someone renders a service according to the request of the client, but the client is not happy with the results and refuses to pay for this service. This agreement is legally binding and the rules of transaction are governed by the common law of contracts (Melvin, 2011). There is much to digest once reading about the categories of law and to think this is just skimming the surface. In addition to these categories the Congress is given power via the Commerce Clause to â€Å"regulate Commerce among the several states† (Melvin, 2011, p 32).If Congress chooses to regulate certain persons or products, the federal law is supreme to the state law that tries to regulate the same persons or products. In the case of Cipollone v. Liggett Group, the state law regulating advertising for tobacco products were preempted by t he federal law (Melvin, 2011). It is important to know how state and federal laws can affect society and business. One industry, which is under constant scrutiny, is Appraising. Appraising has both state and federal laws to abide with, and they are constantly changing.Appraisers are required to obtain certain standards that are set forth in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), which is published by the Appraisal Standards Board of the Appraisal Foundation. If an appraiser fails to comply with these standards there could be punishment of fines, lawsuits, or loss of license. In conclusion, it is important to know the basic roles and functions of law in both society and business even though it is vast and diverse. Laws are needed to create balance and order within society and business, and they can be broken into broad categories to obtain the basic knowledge.Another way to enhance ones knowledge of the roles and functions of business is to do research on p rior cases or laws that pertain to a business of interest. References Diffen. (n. d. ). Procedural Law vs Substantive Law. Retrieved from http://www. diffen. com/difference/Procedural_Law_vs_Substantive_Law Melvin, S. P. (2011). The Legal Environment of Business: A Managerial Approach: Theory to Practice. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Sixth Form Law. (2012). What is Law? Retrieved from http://sixthformlaw. info/01_modules/other_material/law_and_morality/0_what_is_law. htm

Friday, September 27, 2019

War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

War - Essay Example Many thinkers and intellectuals, not to mention religious leaders, have lent their support to Just War and have moulded it over centuries with their contributions. According to Christian theory, resorting to war under any circumstances other than self defence is immoral, because war is never justifiable. At the same time, war is State's option and right of self-defence. "This is selective pacifism, for it does not deny the state the right of self-defense; it only denies to the Christian the right to participate. Likewise the just war theory gives no blanket endorsement of war, but demands painstaking discrimination between just and unjust causes," (Holmes, 19752). Just War is considered to be just, because it is interference on behalf of humanity, to establish peace, to repel an inhuman attack, to save people from its grips, to abolish anarchy. War for peace is also called Moral war because its intention is re-establishing morality and natural law. Just War tradition is of two fold: one is when to launch into a Just War and another, how to conduct the war without resorting into injustice. So it covers not only the motive, but also the process. The end result of winning or losing does not figure much in a Just War even though every war is fought for winning. As the means of winning the war has to be just and beyond reproach, the result of the war takes a secondary place. As morality, ethics and justice should support the origin of such a war and shape the conduction of it, its end result, even though important, cannot be achieved by mean methods. Cicero, Augustine, Aquinas, Grotius and many more philosophers stood by Just War. This includes de mands like a competent authority to declare the war, and there should be all probability of success, amongst other just causes. St. Augustine categorised them as follows: "1. Defending against an external attack; 2. Recapturing things taken; 3. Punishing people who have done wrong." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_war Just War should be conducted as an act of discrimination where only the guilty party should be punished and not the civilians and non-offenders. And this means biological weapons, weapons of mass destruction and nuclear weapons of any kind are ruled out. Another principle is that it should be governed by proportionality, and this means, the use of force should be proportional to the offence committed and not beyond that. Civilian deaths, attacks on helpless refugees, mass killings, and indiscriminate persecution are ruled out. Also it demands minimum force. Excessive killings, torture, destruction, upheaval, exodus, genocide, target killings of particular groups due to enmity are not allowed. Just wars demand just cause, just intent and war should be the last resort after exhausting all other means of achieving peace. There should be a lawful declaration of war and during war, non-combatant groups like medical services, ambassadors, journalists, individuals providing service like Red Cross, and organisations that provide relief to refugees and dislocated people should be spared of all

Thursday, September 26, 2019

How might a large multinational clothing retailer ensure its workers Essay

How might a large multinational clothing retailer ensure its workers and its suppliers are acting ethically at all times in all the countries in which it operates - Essay Example Formulation of the special code of ethics would demonstrate sensitivity of the corporation to the local traditions. The companywide code of conduct should be supplemented by the internal business units of the corporation. Formulation of the special code of ethics should be a teamwork effort by the different functional areas of the corporation. â€Å"Enlisting the support of these local functions is important in shaping acceptable policies and dispelling notions that people at the home office dictate standards of behavior without respecting cultural differences† (LRN, 2007, p. 2). Top management assumes great responsibility for developing ethically responsible culture in multinational corporations. They should frequently conduct meetings to identify any lapses and temptations of unethical business conduct by the employees (Godiwalla, 2012). Multinational corporations should have an efficient communication and reporting system in place to timely identify and control ethical

International Investing Project Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

International Investing Project - Term Paper Example The firm is also seen to be restructuring senior leadership and management positions across all their subsidiaries. There has been rising volumes of new businesses in Asia. For instance in Hong Kong, where Goldman Sachs is reinforcing its M&A team, has been particularly busy. The upsurge in business activity has also pushed up the Asian share of global Mergers & Acquisition to 20.3 percent from 18.4 percent a year ago. Citi group lending business has been performing quite well. It has the largest number of subsidiaries worldwide and a huge market capitalization. The company’s solvency is viewed as very strong from the 2014 stress test and the cost drivers of the business have been greatly reduced which make Citi have the best yield on its shares as compared to the other three companies. Advantest Corp operates in three segments: mechatronics system segment, focusing on peripheral devices including test handlers and device interfaces, and services, support and others segment. The last being semiconductor and component test system segment. There is little fluctuation in stock prices for this company, which can be attributed to few innovations over the past years. This has led to low yields in the ordinary share of the company The Company has been aggressive enough to acquire propulsion contracts in Finland worth $20 million and the level of diversification made by this business in high. They produce far more tech commodities and services than Advantest which gives them leverage and potential good returns. Citi group stock has also outperformed the market estimate of Standard and Poor’s 500. Suitable prevailing interest rates and increasing new business volumes for the banking sector has benefited the Company. Considering its global presence, one can say that its stock performance is dictated in general by other economies too. (a) This is a comparison is between the NYSE Japan Arca index and the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The History of Italian Mafia Annotated Bibliography

The History of Italian Mafia - Annotated Bibliography Example The History of Italian Mafia Pickering-lazzi, Robin â€Å"Mafia and outlaw stories from Italian life and literature† Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007. This is a collection of literature by most significant figures in the Italian literature field, some of the renowned writers that have been included in the book are Livia De Stefani, Grazia Dekedda, Anna Maria Ortese, Silvana La Spina and Giovanni, Verga. The book also presents some of the famous witnesses who have had first hand experience with the Italian Mafia in helping to give the groups inception, growth and activities. The book gives an overview of the Italian perspectives on the Mafia and crime covering the 1880’s and 1990’s. It covers aspects of the legends of Italian Mafia’s that identifies them as a group, the relationship between the Mafia and the State, children, women, the Catholic Church, allied forces during the Second World War among others. The author outlines key period since the inception of the criminal group taking an intriguing approach to the subject. He also points why it has been a challenge for the authorities to wipe out this form of organized crime, one of the reasons pointed out in the book are the high level of secrecy that exists within the Mafia members. It also illustrates on how the Italian Mafia thrive and develop in the presence of a weak and non democratic government.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

SWOT Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

SWOT Analysis - Essay Example Sustainable business practices and strong commitment to corporate social responsibility are other major strengths of Trader Joes. â€Å"Trader Joe’s is committed to providing selective products that cannot be found in grocery stores† (â€Å"What is Trader Joe’s Strategy?†). In other words, unique products are the major strength of Trader Joes. Expanding global market, growing demand for organic foods and growing ecommerce opportunities are providing many opportunities to Trader Joes. India and China like Asian countries are developing rapidly at present provides excellent opportunities to Trader Joes like companies. Product recalls and the increased focus on some geographical areas alone are some of the weaknesses of Trader Joes. It should be noted that Trader Joe has limited presence outside California. Inability to expand business to other territories not only in America but also in other parts of the world is some of the major weaknesses of Trader Joes. Increasing manpower cost, increasing competition and the entry of substitute products are some of the major threats of Trader Joes. Manpower cost in America is extremely higher compared to that in countries such as India or China. As a result of that Indian and Chinese products are causing big threats to the products of Trader

Monday, September 23, 2019

Interview Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Interview Questions - Assignment Example Applied Interview Questions The research initiative developed five interview questions that it administered to four individuals within the stated age groups. The following five questions were used, Who is your best friend? Why? Is it fair to judge people? Is it good to express anger? Does God really exist? At what age should people get married? Summary of Each Child’s Developmental Status Preschooler The child, at this stage, has not developed strong cognitive ability and is significantly immature as compared to an adult, with respect to reasoning. Thoughts appear to be specific, restricted, and offered only one at a time. At the same time, the child cannot connect occurrences with their causes to explain causal relationships. Even though members of the group can identify observations such as in nature, they still do not know what drives such occurrences. They also offer personalized responses to questions. In the interview, for instance, the child could identify her best frie nd but the reason for such friendship is misunderstood. This is because their often plays are a consequent of their closeness and not vice versa. The answer with respect to judgment also expresses the level of cognitive ability, as the child seems to have answered the question without considering factors around actions that might have lead to subject situations. Based on the response, the child thinks that people should be judged simply because of their involvement in an act without considering factors towards such actions. The same argument applies to the child’s response with respect to anger to mean that as long as people have emotions, they are free to express them without considering the emotions’ possible impacts. This is also observed in the other questions (Tuckman & Monetti, 2010). Elementary School Student A child’s development ability is more advanced at this stage and a higher level of reasoning is demonstrated. Even though much of the child’s thoughts are still self-centered, there is application of trial and error in application of logical reasoning. Operational reasoning towards comparability is, however, less developed within the age group who may miss rationality on value measurements. Results of the interview questions reflect the difference between the preschooler and the elementary school pupil. The child’s reason for his best friendship is for example more rational that that of the preschooler as it identifies a mutual relationship besides offer from the friend as a driver. Even though the response to the judgment question was not accompanied by the interviewee’s reason, the child’s opinion that it is not fair to judge people shows some rationality towards social and environmental factors that may force people into adverse actions. The other responses correspond to those offered by the preschooler and indicates that the two groups are close to each other in terms of cognitive development (Tu ckman & Monetti, 2010). Middle School Level Child The child at the middle level school has developed more ability that the previous two groups. The group can adequately apply rationale in comparing objects’ values, a property that was lacking in the preschooler and the elementary school children. The child has also, at this stage, developed operational abilities and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Interpersonal Communication Essay Example for Free

Interpersonal Communication Essay The capability of every individual create effective and efficient communicative mechanisms can help prevent the further escalation of a conflict. Each action, movement, speech is important in establishing such idea. Thus, proper facilitation of interpersonal communication can bridge the gap between two parties and help create possibilities for cooperation. Analyzing the problem critically, there are certain communicative lapses present between the parents and the owner of the day care. These lapses tend to create different perceptions and ideas that in the end result into conflict among members of the group. Another issue that can be argued revolves around the responsibility of the owner of the daycare. It has been elaborated that there are only certain parameters of care that the organization has to offer which is mandated by the handbook of DHA. These contending of ideas of how responsibility of care is administered also bring about struggles and conflict that can further impede and deteriorate the process of interpersonal communication. With these, solutions must be created to administer proper changes and facilitate communication. One important aspect to consider is to be sensitive to the situation and cultural background of the individuals. â€Å"A stereotype, a fixed impression about a group, may influence your perceptions of individual members; you may see individuals only as members of the group instead of as unique individuals. † (DeVito, ‘Chapter 4’, p. 1) The next thing to consider is the importance of creating effective listening skills both to individuals and groups. However, there are many factors that affect the way people listen and comprehend things. â€Å"Members of different cultures vary on a number of communication dimensions that influence listening: speech and language, nonverbal behavioral differences, and preferences for direct and indirect styles of communication. † (DeVito, ‘Chapter 5’, p. 1) In addition, individuals must be gender sensitive when it comes to listening. â€Å"Men and women may listen differently; generally, women give more specific listening cues to show theyre listening than do men. † (DeVito, ‘Chapter 5’, p. 1) Thus, different strategies must be created to facilitate better avenues for listening. The next possible solution can be characterized how people perceive and interpret communication by means of verbal and non-verbal messages. The way to creating effective interpersonal communication is the advancing and merging of both listener and speaker. â€Å"Meaning is more than words and gestures; meaning includes what speaker and listener brings to interpersonal interaction. † (DeVito, ‘Chapter 6’, p. ) With this, words, gestures and other meanings given are important in establishing interpersonal communication. â€Å"Meanings are context-based; the context heavily influences the meanings that words and gestures are given. † (DeVito, ‘Chapter 6’, p. 1) Thus, these ideas prove to be a main catalyst in achieving interpersonal communication. The last process in trying to resolve this conflict is the communication process itself. The conversation between the listener and speaker plus the mechanisms that were used can be a vital tool in shaping the outcome of interpersonal communication. â€Å"Maintaining conversations depends on the principle of cooperation; the maxims of quantity, quality, relation, and manner; the principle of dialogue; and the principle of turn taking. † (DeVito, ‘Chapter 9’, p. 1) With mechanisms in place, conversation may be able to bridge the communication gap brought about by conflict. â€Å"Preventing conversational problems may be aided by the disclaimer, a statement that helps to ensure that your message will be understood and will not reflect negatively on the speaker. † (DeVito, ‘Chapter 9’, p. 1) In the end, giving solutions to the problem of communication revolves around the capability of an individual to harness and foster efficient and effective mechanisms that will create an environment of understanding, collaboration and sensitivity among the group/s. References DeVito, J. A. (2005) ‘Chapter 4:Perception in Interpersonal Communication’ in Pearson Education. [on-line] Retrieved December 9, 2007 from http://wpscms. pearsoncmg. com/ab_devito_intrprsnl_11/43/11047/2828208. cw/index. html DeVito, J. A. (2005) ‘Chapter 5: Listening in Interpersonal Communication. In Pearson Education. [on-line] Retrieved December 9, 2007 from http://wpscms. pearsoncmg. com/ab_devito_intrprsnl_11/43/11047/2828276. cw/index. html DeVito, J. A. (2005) ‘Chapter 6: Universals of Verbal and Non-verbal messages’ in Pearson Education. [on-line] Retrieved December 9, 2007 from http://wpscms. pearsoncmg. com/ab_devito_intrprsnl_11/43/11048/2828345. cw/index. html DeVito, J. A. (2005) ‘Chapter 9: Conversation. ’ in Pearson Education. [on-line] Retrieved December 9, 2007 from http://wpscms. pearsoncmg. com/ab_devito_intrprsnl_11/43/11049/2828563. cw/index. html

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Digital Storage Oscilloscope Working Principle

Digital Storage Oscilloscope Working Principle Oscilloscopes are used to measure electric signals to display it as waveforms. Oscilloscope is known as scope and its most common usage is to observe signal. It was invented by Karl Braun in 1897. There are several number oscilloscopes in the market such as digital, analogues, dual beam, mixed signal etc but the main focus on the report is digital storage oscilloscope. A digital oscilloscope is a measuring instrument that uses binary numbers which writes to samples of the voltage.   Digital oscilloscope is affected by bandwidth e.g. as the frequency is increasing the oscilloscope accuracy decreases. Its also affected by sample rate, e.g. The quicker it can sample, the accurate the results are displayed for fast signal. The digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) is of the three digital oscilloscopes but DSO is the conventional form of digital oscilloscope. Its screen is like a computer monitor or TV screen as it uses raster type screen. The operation of the digital storage oscillos cope is pretty simple, The first stage the signal enters within the scope is the vertical amplifier where some analogue signal conditioning is undertaken to scale and position the waveform. Next this signal is applied to an analogue to digital converter (ADC).(www.Radio-electronics.com). The DSO is easy to set up. The digital storage oscilloscope has many controls, e.g. Switch, TIME / DIV, Trigger controls, Intensity and focus, CH I and CH II inputs, VOLTS / DIV etc. The DSO in comparison with Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope has less bandwidth, less sample rate but same channels etc. Aims: To understand the basics about digital storage oscilloscope To be able to operate an digital storage oscilloscope To be able to set-up an oscilloscope To be able understand   the designs of digital storage oscilloscope To be able to understand advantages and disadvantages of different types of oscilloscope Introduction: Oscilloscopes are measuring equipment which displays electric waveforms on a screen like a small Television.   An oscilloscope is known as CRO, DSO, scope or an O-scope. Its common usage is to observe wave shapes of signal. There are four sections in an oscilloscope: the vertical and horizontal controls trigger controls and finally the display screen (the screen consists of cathode ray tube).   The research on oscilloscope has been done through books, internet, magazines etc. Karl Braun was the inventor of oscilloscope in 1897 (http://inventors.about.com/od/bstartinventors/a/Karl_Braun.htm). The main sector oscilloscopes used in are engineering, medicine, telecommunications and science. In October 2010 Tektronix Inc manufacturer of oscilloscopes discovered that Series of digital and mixed signal oscilloscopes that now deliver 100 GS/s sampling rate performance. This enables lower noise along with increased data points on 5x oversampled 20 GHz acquisitions (http://www.pr log.org/11013155-tektronix-raises-bar-for-oscilloscope-sampling-rates-signal-integrity.html) There are several numbers of oscilloscope e.g. digital, analogues, dual beam, mixed signal etc.   This reports main focus will be the design and operating principle of digital storage oscilloscope.   Firstly the report will look into how the oscilloscope works, and then it will follow on to how its designed and finally how to set it up. A digital oscilloscope is a measuring instrument that uses binary numbers which writes to samples of the voltage.   ADC (analogue to digital converter) is used to change the analogue data into digital data then it makes the signal digitally.   For it to be displayed in the screen its then converted back to analogue. A digital oscilloscope has its limitation to performing just like an analogue oscilloscope.   There is a limit to the frequency which it can work up to. The limits of frequency are affected by analog bandwidth front-end section which is known as -3 dB point  and sampling rate of the oscilloscope,  the samples is taken in regular breaks.   When the sample rate is high, the frequency increases on screen.  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Factors affecting the frequency of digital oscilloscope: Bandwidth specification Oscilloscope sample rate Bandwidth specification The bandwidth specification determines the frequency range which the scope (oscilloscope) measures accurately in the display. As the frequency is increasing the oscilloscope accuracy decreases. The bandwidth is mainly defined as a drop of 3 decibels (dB) or sensitivity at lower frequency at 0.707. Bandwidth in Hz x rise time in seconds = 0.35. E.g. to resolve an oscilloscope pulses with the rise of 2 nanosecond would have a bandwidth of 700MHz. but for a digital oscilloscope the sampling rate would have to be ten times higher frequency to resolve. E.g. 10megasample/second would measure up to 1 megahertz of signals. Oscilloscope sample Rate The oscilloscope sampling rate indicates on digital oscilloscopes how many samples per second the analog to digital converter can gain. The quicker it can sample, the accurate the results are displayed for fast signal. The maximum sample rate is given by MS/s which is mega samples per second. The minimum sample rate might come in handy if you need to look at signals changing slowly. The sampling rate can be change by the controls (sec/div) on the oscilloscope. Digital storage oscilloscope The digital storage oscilloscope is of the three digital oscilloscopes but DSO is the conventional form of digital oscilloscope. Its screen is like a computer monitor or TV screen as it uses raster type screen. By using the raster screen its helps to display images that fill the whole screen and it may include text on the screen. (Ian P (2004) oscilloscope types [internet]. Available fromhttp://www.radio-electronics.com/info/t_and_m/oscilloscope/oscilloscope_types.php [date accessed 18/10/10]). First you have to store the waveform in the digital format to get the raster type display on screen. As a result of storing the waveform form digitally it can be processed by the oscilloscope or by connecting to a computer. This enables a high degree of processing to be achieved, and the required display provided very easily and often with a very cheap processing platform. It also enables the waveform to be retained indefinitely, unlike the analogue scopes for which the waveform could only be stored for a very limited time. (www.Radio-electronics.com). The operation of the digital storage oscilloscope is pretty simple, The first stage the signal enters within the scope is the vertical amplifier where some analogue signal conditioning is undertaken to scale and position the waveform. Next this signal is applied to an analogue to digital converter (ADC). (www.Radio-electronics.com). The samples are taken at regular intervals. The sampling rate is important because it determines the resolution of the signal. The samples are taken in per second or MS/s (mega sample rate). All the samples are stored within is the oscilloscope as waveform points, and several samples of waveform make up a single waveform point. The overall waveform is stored as a waveform record and its start is governed by the trigger, its finish being determined by the horizontal time base time. (www.Radio-electronics.com). The digital storage oscilloscope is an in the digital format which means there is a signal processor. With having a signal processor it helps to process the signal in different ways, before it passes the display memory and the display. Digital storage oscilloscope www.doctronics.co.uk Controls of digital storage oscilloscope Screen this is where all the waveform signals are displayed by using the X axis and Y axis. www.photoshelter.com Switch to turn ON the oscilloscope and to turn OFF. X-Y control its used to display component characteristic curves. Its mainly used for output position. TV-separation it allows the display to be shown on TV system so it can compare signals different points. TIME / DIV by using this control V/t graph horizontal scale can be changed. Trigger controls it allows the oscilloscope display to be coordinated with the signal you want to look into. Intensity and focus this control is used to change the brightness of the scope by adjusting it. X-POS by using this control the whole V/t graph can be moved side to side. X-MAG horizontal scale of the V/t graph is increased by 10 times in the IN position. CAL outputs -the top terminal gives square wave at 0.2  V peak to peak but the lower terminal gives square wave of 2  V peak to peak at 50 Hz. Component tester A changing voltage is provided by the output socket to allow component characteristic curves to be displayed. Y-POS I and Y-POS II this control allows the resultant outcome to move up or down Invert when its invert the waveform signal on the screen is turned upside down. CH I and CH II inputs using the BNC plugs the signals are connected to the BNC input socket. The smaller socket is called earth or ground. VOLTS / DIV independently the vertical scales for CH I and CH II can be adjusted. DC/AC/GND slide switches In the DC position, the signal input is connected directly to the Y-amplifier of the corresponding channel, CH I or CH II. In the AC position, a capacitor is connected into the signal pathway so that DC voltages are blocked and only changing AC signals are displayed (www.doctronics.co.uk) Trace selection switches settings of control switches for oscilloscope screen. How to set up an oscilloscope First you warm up the oscilloscope by switching it on. At this stage do not connect any input leads. Select the DC/AC/GND switch to DC (the Y-input) Select the X-Y/SWP to SWP (sweep) Put the trigger level to AUTO Select the trigger source to INT (the Y input, internal) Put 5V/cm at the Y-AMPLIFIER Put the TIMEBASE to 10ms/cm Select 1 or Cal for the time base VRIABLE control. to map out the middle of the screen adjust the Y-SHIFT (up/down) and X SHIFT (left/right) to brighten up the focus adjust the INTENSITY and FOCUS now the oscilloscope is ready to go http://www.kpsec.freeuk.com/cro.htm Digital storage oscilloscope Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope 100  MHz 200  MHz bandwidth 500 MHz, 300 MHz, 100 MHz bandwidth 2  GS/s Real time sample rate 5 GS/s sample rate 2 or 4 Channels 2 or 4 Channels It rapidly documents and examines Measurement. Its results with OpenChoice ® Software or Integrated CompactFlash ® Mass Storage 21 Automatic Measurements FFT Standard on All Models FFT for Frequency and Harmonic Analysis Advanced Triggers to Quickly Capture the Event of Interest Advanced Triggers, such as, Glitch, Width, and Logic Full VGA Color LCD on all Models Multi-Language User Interface Built-in Floppy Disk Drive for Easy Storage and Documentation Quick Menu User Interface Mode for Quick, Easy Operation Traditional, Analog-style Knobs and Multilanguage User Interface for Easy Operation 9-bit Vertical Resolution Quick Setup and Operation with Auto set Menu, Auto range, Waveform and Setup Memories, and Built-in, Context-sensitive Help Telecommunications Mask Testing (TMT) Backlit Menu Buttons for High Visibility Extended Video Application Module 11 of the Most Critical Automatic Waveform Measurements Support for Active Probes, Differential Probes, and Current Probes that Provide Automatic Scaling and Units 8 Hours of Continuous Battery Operation with Two Batteries Installed, Hot Swappable for Virtually Unlimited Freedom from AC Line Power Optional Power Application Software offers the Broadest Range of Power Measurements at its Price Point Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope http://infrared.als.lbl.gov/content/PDF/equipment/Tektronix_TDS3052_Data_Sheet.pdf Digital storage oscilloscope http://www2.tek.com/cmswpt/psdetails.lotr?ct=pscs=psuci=13304lc=EN

Friday, September 20, 2019

Web Development in Business

Web Development in Business WEB DEVELOPMENT Redefine your Business with our Professional Websites Elysium Services is a complete Web Portal Development service company to create effective static and dynamic websites using cutting-edge and significant features of the web portal development service tools. With more than 7 years of experience in designing and developing web applications for the clients in over 15 countries, Elysium Service is the most reputable and trustworthy one-stop vendor to comprehend the most aspiring and complex projects. We ensure seamless and continuous web development through the optimal control and visibility into the workflow. We integrate well-suitable project development strategies and methodologies with the appropriate project management tools and domain expertise to deliver high quality end-to-end web solutions. We create effective websites that perfectly meets the challenges of the current competitive environment. Our customer-centric websites allow two-way communication with the customers, complete integration with the social media networks and deliver experiences designed to convert the visitors into customers. Our skilled programmers and developers are capable of successfully executing the most complex projects and ensuring high performance, scalability and system integration to the clients. Our dedicated team with developers, designers, testing and quality assurance (QA) tests and IT support offers an efficient solution to the quick deployment of a large software project or reliable support for the ongoing IT needs of the clients. HTML5/CSS Harnessing the power of HTML5 and CSS3, our skilled developers invest their maximum intelligence to develop highly responsive web solutions. Our developers have excellent knowledge of integrating the HTML5 and CSS3 platforms to give a fresh look to the website WORDPRESS With its extensive theme and plugin directory, WordPress is the most powerful platform trusted by millions to scale their business with ease. We offer customized WordPress development to create highly functional website or blog for our clients CMS Efficient Content Management System (CMS) that enables total control and management of the website without requiring outside assistance. Our CMS team excels in providing extraordinary CMS development service using WordPress, Joomla, DotNet Nuke and Drupal WEB PORTAL Elysium Services is a one-stop web portal development provider. Our expertise allows developing web portals that integrate the information access and content distribution, workflow management and social networking mechanisms E-COMMERCE We create and promote powerful and user-friendly e-commerce portals, for easy navigation with more advanced and effective features. Flexible e-commerce solutions for secure online shopping and robust trading applications MOBILE APPLICATIONS Our Mobile application developers offer unique expertise in the Mobile Application Development for various platforms including Android, iOS, Blackberry and Windows, and delivered complex mobile apps across domains DIGITAL MARKETING Our result oriented digital marketing solutions abridge the marketing gaps for businesses, through effective website promotion. Our strong digital marketing tools assist our clients to build a competitive authority in the global industry BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Elysium Developer provides effective business solutions through the development, implementation and integration of the enterprise web solutions that allow the organizations to reduce the process interruptions and resolve the data transaction issues. HTML5/CSS Building Highly Responsive Websites for Better Business HTML5 offers superior support for multimedia, video, animation, web applications and mobile development. Due to the integration of video streaming into browser applications, the browsing experience of users is improved. Highly responsive and adaptive mobile websites are built using the integration of HTML5 and CSS3 platforms. With the inevitable increase in the popularity of both HTML5 and CSS3 platforms, the designers and developers can look forward to the exciting possibilities for their websites and applications. 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Web portals designed and built by the Elysium Services utilize the cutting-edge technologies to integrate the rich functionality and robust management strategies for complete user satisfaction. We gather the unique ideas or concepts of our clients and transform them into quantifiable business results. Elysium Services provide best-in-class website development services at affordable price that provides excellent results within a short period of time. We always focus on the needs of the customers and deliver customer-centric solutions, instead of expecting the customer to adapt with the technology and domain of our developer’s choice. Our project consultants and technical team will assist the clients from the initial planning stage of business ideas to the final evolution of the web portal. E-COMMERCE Find More Customers with our E-commerce Solutions An effective e-commerce solution can do many wonders to your website and help you achieve your dreams. Elysium developers build e-commerce websites that not only engage the viewers, but also transform them into buyers. We are specialized in the development of dynamic database-driven E-Commerce Portals, the most cost-effective way of promoting your business online. The primary objective of our dedicated e-commerce solutions is to maximize the profits of the clients. From aiming at your customer base with the carefully personalized customer-centric messages to the business flow optimization, our e-commerce services are highly guaranteed to generate a healthy ROI for your business. Through our customer focused strategies, we target the right customers to the success of your e-commerce website. With ample experience in serving the needs of multiple industries, we provide the best e-commerce portals with easy navigation and usable Product filters. Our e-commerce applications stand a class apart with high level of usability and functionality, while enabling the users to completely control their business processes. Our e-commerce solutions incorporate all basic features and appropriate security methods required to run a successful online business. MOBILE APPLICATIONS Harnessing the power of the mobile applications for your business With the continuous evolution of advanced smartphones, more businesses started the creation of own mobile applications for their needs. Elysium Services is one of the most popular mobile application development companies in India, which designs and develops user friendly and user-centric apps with real innovations. Elysium Services has mastered in the mobile apps development and served many clients across the globe. We help you to build a one-to-one relationship with the customers by creating mobile apps for your business. We offer unique proficiency in the development of Mobile Applications across various platforms including Android, iOS, Blackberry and Windows. Our proven Mobile Application Development expertise addresses the needs of clients from simple SMS alert to the complete mobile application development needs. We mainly focus on the needs of the mobile application and evaluate the suitability of the mobile applications within existing businesses. Even with a brief business concept of mobile application, we provide comprehensive solution that satisfies the business objectives of our clients. We leverage our expertise to get a mobile app solution that improves the bottom line of the client’s business. DIGITAL MARKETING Improve Your Brand Reputation with Digital Marketing Service Our digital marketing offers an invaluable opportunity for carving out virtual space to respond to the customers and increase the brand reputation in an innovative and visually-engaging way. Our main aim is to achieve high search engine rankings for the website and provide result oriented solutions to bridge the marketing gaps for businesses. We believe in the effective demonstration of the results and accept the responsibility of promoting the client’s website for effective business promotion. Our highly experienced team of SEO and SMO professionals is capable of driving quality traffic to your website. Through the complete analysis of the competition of the client’s website, we optimize the website and monitor the progress of the website, while continuously making adjustments to our SEO strategy. Our marketing strategies develop the online reputation and improve the sales and exposure with the expert internet marketing consultants. Our dynamic digital experts completely evaluate the online marketing requirements of the clients, and execute effective internet marketing solutions that perfectly suits with the business targets of the clients. With 100% customized and intensive website promotion strategies, we increase the user engagement, website traffic, overall sales brand reputation. Our social media marketing increase your visibility, create name branding, and promote your services through all aspects of online networking sites and directories. BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Boost your Business to the next level Effective business solutions promote the business to the next level and make them to stay ahead in the competition. Elysium Services offers a wide range of customized business solutions to service the specific business requirements of our clients. Elysium Services provides horizontal expertise to the companies as they launch or improve online service, facilitate decision making and automate business processes. Our business analysts provide understandable and trustworthy logical solutions results within a particular business context. Elysium Services automates the business processes by developing, implementing and integrating innovative enterprise solutions that allow the companies to prevent the process interruptions and resolve the data interchange issues. Through the comprehensive analysis of the needs of our clients, we draw out a business plan with the future business foresight, and deliver innovative and effective business solutions. Efficient and apparent business process management can be achieved, by increasing the automation of business workflow to the higher level. We support our customers to achieve their significant business goals with reduced efforts, through the improvement in the predictable results in specific operational activities and business process.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

My Grandmother Essay -- English Literature

My Grandmother This poem explores the relationship between the speaker and her grandmother. It focuses on the remorse and guilt she felt - and perhaps does still feel - about the way she behaved towards her on one occasion, and can be seen as an attempt to exorcise this. The poem is divided into four parts: the first stanza describes her grandmother working in the shop; the second the incident which causes her guilt; the third stanza shows her in retirement. In the final stanza, after her grandmother has died, the speaker reflects on herself and her grandmother's life. The first stanza sets the scene - the antique shop reflects the character and life of the grandmother. The words 'it kept her' suggest that it seems, to the speaker, her only reason for living; the grandmother's concern is with surface appearance ('polish was all') not with deep human feelings ('there was no need of love'). Her solitariness is suggested in the fact that it is only 'her own reflection' she sees reflected in the antiques; it is these she lives 'among', not people. The antiques themselves create an oppressive atmosphere - they are 'faded' and 'heavy' in this stanza, and in the final stanza the 'tall/ Sideboards and cupboards' in the 'long, narrow room' take on the air of coffins. Even the sounds of the words the speaker uses contribute - the sibilants in 'the brass/ Salvers and silver bowls' are unwelcoming to the reader, and perhaps betray her disapproving attitude to the shop. But to the grandmother the antiques have great importance. They are 'needed', though never 'used' - they are a substitute for human company, a replacement for love. She takes pride in her possession of them; the speaker's 'wish not to be used/... ...think that the women is treating the girl like she was an antique; "It was perhaps I think a wish not to be used like antique objects ...." In stanza three I think that you can see all the memories actually being revealed to the grandchild; "All her best things in one tong narrow room" It gives us the sense that after she had passed away now the guilt is just kicking in and the old women's life has just began to open. In the very last stanza I think that the very last chapter in the old women's life is beginning to come to an end. Nothing is left in memory of her: "..and no finger marks were there" I think that now her life is over and that her family have been excluded, their lives have had a fundamental change and new dust had just began to settle over the rather cold possessions she seemd to value over her children and grandchildren.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Alvarez Shows Language Is A Tremendous Difference In Everyones Lives :: essays research papers

Alvarez Shows Language is A Tremendous Difference In Everyone's Lives In His Story Rudy and Yolanda communicated in completely different languages. By language, I mean the written, and spoken kind. More so I mean the traditions, and values that go hand in hand with learning a language. When they learned their own languages, they inherited their own set of ideals, that were changed by what, where, and how they were taught. Yolanda's language was Spanish. She learned to speak Spanish in the Dominican Republic. Her lifestyle was one of a strict Catholic girl. Yo had a very traditional father. He allowed nothing but what was the social norm. His social norms became hers. When she moved to the U.S., she was completely naive when it came to the American culture. Yolanda was raised in the way that the use of drugs and alcohol were totally unheard of. Pre-marital sex was something that was taboo, and strictly reinforced. She had grown up with very traditional values that were adopted from her mother and her father. She was never exposed to any outside stimuli. Whether or not it was voluntary, she was forced to conform to the rigid Hispanic values. This conformity kept her at bay. She couldn't experience the things necessary to become a whole person.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rudolf B. Elmhurst was a young man from a liberal family in the United States. His parents were easy-going people, with thoughts of letting Rudy develop on his own. He learned English much the same way Yolanda learned Spanish. He was taught by his parents. He also absorbed the culture around him and he learned the American way of doing things. Rudy had quite a bit of freedom. He could have come and gone as he pleased. He had no restrictions, and was allowed to grow freely. With that opportunity Rudolf Brodermann Elmenhurst was able to laugh along with everyone else at the mention of his difficult to pronounce name. He had been allowed to grow unrestricted, but not unchecked. While his parent were liberal, they still gave him the attention necessary, and the room to evolve. This independence helped him to be who he was, invincible to insult, injury, and always in control.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Yolanda and Rudy first met they were in English class. He had showed up late and totally unprepared for class, the exact opposite of her. She marveled at how he could walk in late, take what she thought of as an embarrassing scene, and laugh about it. She always went to class early, had all of her books and was well prepared for class.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

‘Raw’ by Scott Monk Essay

‘Raw’ is a novel written by an Australian author Scott Monk for young teenagers to explore an alternative approach to the juvenile justice system, one that supports and encourages young offenders to take responsibility for their actions. Monk uses significant episodes, contrast in characterisation and a range of language techniques to show the central character journey as he learns to take responsibility for himself. Monks plot is based on a theme which is action – packed with violent episodes such as Tyson and his gang attacking Brett and cutting of all of his hair. As well, it is based on a love triangle where Brett is put in between his new love interest Caitlyn and his ex-girlfriend Rebecca. It also follows a journey theme where Brett changes once he travelled an 800 km journey from Sydney to the Farm. The plot is episodic and highlights the change in Brett. Episodes which show this change and that it is sometimes difficult for him include, walking away from f ighting Mr Douglass, not letting his anger control him, â€Å"he’d lost one fight but won another† As well as apologising to Caitlyn realising that he was wrong and wanting to fix his mistakes, â€Å"And he’d learnt that the hard way that love couldn’t be owned† One main character was used to show the theme of a troubled individual and society’s way of dealing with them. Monk writes in third person but with Brett’s perspective. He also used many secondary characters who are a part of Brett’s journey such as, his love interest Caitlyn, friends Josh, Sam, Robbie and enemy Tyson. Monk also cleverly contrasted characters to highlight the aspects of society, for example, Sam treats the kids like normal citizens, not criminals and tries to help them rebuild their lives, which is contrast to Mr Douglass who makes assumptions about Brett and all of the boys at the farm, not treating them as normal citizens of society and not allowing them to show that people can change. Monk also used Brett’s developing relationships to show his slow growth into someone who has something to offer society. For example, his relationship with Caitlyn teaches him that you need to treat people with love and respect to receive it, he also learnt that other people’s wants and needs are just as important as his own. His relationship with josh allows him to understand  that someone will always have it worse then you and that whatever is happening only you can control and change your future. â€Å"Just remember, Brett, only you can change your life.† The language used in the novel is directed at Monks youth audience. He uses colloquial language, ‘when Brett calls the police (pigs)’ as well as lots of direct speech to show the interactions between Brett and the other characters, (Josh) â€Å"I saw you perving at Caitlyn† (Brett) â€Å"what! Is that her name?† Monk uses descriptive language builds up the imagery of his characters, â€Å"The man looked like an old cowboy or one of those guys who drive cattle, a stockman† As well as the settings used, imagery is sometimes very symbolic for example, Brett leaves Sydney and arrives at the farm in a paddy wagon then 3 months later leaves back to Sydney in the paddy wagon but as a changed man. Monks presentation of the farm as a juvenile detention centre shows his audience another side of this issue. There is minimal security, few rules where Sam and Mary treat everyone as individuals â€Å"don’t call Brett a no-hopper!† Monks theme of the individual being responsible for his/her own actions is shown well. His characters show that when they make bad decisions there are repercussions. For example, Rebecca’s decisions ruined her future, and Tyson’s bad choices ends him in jail. At the start of the novel Brett was consistently making bad choices but by the end of the novel Brett is making good choices, which is shown when he walks away from Mr Douglass. The epilogue of the novel shows the result of this idea when Sam asks if he’s learned anything and he realises he has, â€Å"lots of stuff, like friendship. Trust. Love. And loss.† Even though he is going back to Sydney, in the same paddy wagon he came in, to go to a ‘proper’ detention centre, Monk shows that Brett has changed through his thoughts at the end, ‘He was young and he was going to start again’ Scott Monk wanted his readers to know that if you are in a bad situation only you can change that, but having people around you who offer a second chance can be vital to prove that you can be a good person and you can change for the better.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Describe the military tactics used by both the Vietcong and USA in Vietnam in the 1960s

During the Vietnam War strategies and tactics became the main foundation of the battles. There were many ways both sides fought, and also many changes the way they fought. The American's first tactics consisted of various methods of war. One method they used to help them win the war was to control the skies, this meant watching over their battle ground, which was in the county side, and bombing suspected hiding places in which they thought that the Vietcong were hiding. This was called Operation Rolling Thunder. The operation was a costly failure that wasted a lot of time as it lasted 3 years as opposed to the original 8 weeks stated. It was also expensive because of the cost of the bombs. This waste of money had to be paid by American citizens who were generally not too happy. Another tactic the Americans tried to use was to try and re-educate the South Vietnamese people. The main purpose of this re-education was to stop the South Vietnamese from helping the Vietcong forces in such ways as a hiding place or giving them food supplies. Although this method was effective, it did not manage to for fill its main idea. So for a quick to their problems, they used the Strategic Hamlets Policy, which forced the South Vietnamese to be moved, and South Vietnamese leader Diem also demanded that they had to pay for their movement. This caused commotion amongst the South Vietnamese people. The Americans tried to use their more advanced technology to their advantage by using advanced weapons such as M60 machine guns, MP40 sub-machine guns and B52 Bomber aircraft (That was used in Operation Rolling Thunder) Americans also used Zippo raids named after a common American cigarette lighter. During these raids the US forces, set fire to the homes of farmers and other peasants. A way in which the US forces tried to get the Vietcong forces from internally was to put Agent Orange into their water supply. This caused many cruel diseases, deformities and deaths. It also affected the ability for innocent farmers to grow crops. The affect of Agent Orange still lasts today as some deformities are said to have been caused by the same thing. The Vietcong on the other hand had a different and more basic form of warfare. They used such things as tripwires and bouncing betties to badly injure the US troops. Although basic, they were extremely effective as many people fell for them. One of the most effective tactics in the war was guerrilla warfare. This was groups of Vietcong troops ambushing a small group of American soldiers. This was their main tactic during the whole war as they did not have as much sheer power as the US. They used the jungle to their advantage and laid mines and booby traps to injure the American soldiers. This made the US troops more fearful when they went out searching for the NLF A more psychological tactic that the Vietcong used was their morale. The Vietcong had far more morale than the US soldiers meaning they were more willing to take risks and die if it was necessary. Their main display of morale was at the battle of La Drang in 1965 in which they conceded many deaths but they did they did not let it get them down, which was almost the opposite of what the Americans were like. This tactic helped them though out the whole war. Chi Chi tunnels was the main survival tactic the Vietcong used. They supplied shelter from attacks, a place to store food, water, weapons and even to navigate through their battlefield. The Vietcong also had support from other communist countries such as Russia who provided them with SAM missiles which were used to take down aircraft. This helped decrease the amount of bombs dropped from the air. Both sides of the War changed tactics around the late 1960s meaning that the War could go both ways at that point depending on whether the countries tactics changed for the better. A new tactics that the Americans used was to try and cut of the Ho Chi Minh trail as it was the method the Vietcong were using to get their supplies. It was a failure as the trail had so many different routes. The My Lai massacre was also a strategy that they thought would take down many NLF troops, but instead they caused commotion amongst both the US and the Vietcong as most people just thought of it as a disgusting and cruel massacre of helpless and innocent peasants. This along with the Tet offensive, A surprise attack from the NLF, was making the War now seem in favour of the Vietcong as the citizens of America were now angry about the fact that America had gotten into a War that they were both losing and murdering innocent people. Former well respected news reader stated that the war could not be won, and as he was well respected, it brought down many hopes of a communism free Vietnam. For the Vietcong on the other hand, their morale seemed to increase and also they seemed to be dealing some serious damage to the image and troops of America. The Tet offensive was an attack on the Vietnamese New year on June 8th 1968 that was meant to have no combat during that time. This tactic paid off and caused heavy casualties for the Americans. The Vietcong also used a Saigon suicide squad to mostly damage hopes of winning rather than cause physical damage, although it did cause a lot of casualties. Both sides had their ups and downs in tactics, but the determination, morale and thought of improvement caused the Vietcong to be victorious over the Americans. Their victory was down to many factors of war. One reason was because the Americans did not take the Vietcong seriously and thought that it was a battle that would be easily one with sheer power. They were wrong. The way the NLF changed tactics after learning that they could not face America head on at La Drang is an improvement that maybe won them the battle. But overall, it seems that it was what they were fighting for that made the largest difference between the two sides. America fighting to prevent communism spreading, and the Vietcong fighting for their freedom.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

EXP Syllabus

I will be grading it relatively harshly, but†¦ If you want to raise your grade, you can make the edits I have suggested, and turn the new paper in ALONG WITH the original, edited paper, and that will raise your grade quite a bit. Goal: the goal here is to work on 3 things: allowing you to investigate a memory related topic of your choice, increasing your military with research/scientific methodology, and working on your writing and editing skills. Due Date: there will be 3 times in this semester when papers will be handed in to me, but you only have to do ONE paper.I'm having you all not turn them all in at once because that would take me forever to grade, as I put in a lot of effort to helping you edit and learn to do scientific writing. First Batch of Papers, due: 2/10 Second Batch of Papers, due: 317 Third Batch of Papers, due: 3/31 You will sign up for which date you want to turn in your paper during class. I will pass around 3 sheets and it will be first come first serve. A s such, I'm guessing most people will sign in for the latest date, but if you do get stuck with the early ones, it will probably be a good thing.The semester always gets busier as you go, so I bet it will help to get this out of the way early so you can focus on other classes. Sons Studies. Simply sign-up and participate in 4 credits worth of Sons studies. If you do that, this portion of your grade will be the full 20%. These are GAME POINTS, so easy to get full credit here, so get them done early. Participation. We will have numerous in-class discussions, which should give you n opportunity for me to learn who you are. Definitely speak up and don't be shy; being active in your education is very important.Another opportunity for participation points will be in-class activities! I will have you do various things and put your name on it, if you do a good Job and take the activities seriously, that will count towards your participation grade. Extra Credit. I will randomly give out pop quizzes in class, but they will be worth extra credit only. They can't hurt your grade. There will also be extra credit available to the winning teams during our Jeopardy view days. Warning: on top of the usual topics, there will be an â€Å"random† category of question.If you'd like additional extra credit, you can sign-up to present your article in front of the class (see course calendar). The presentation will be about 10 minutes long. You will describe the topic/article you read about, discuss your critique of it, and discuss your idea for future studies. Email me EARLY to reserve a spot. Slots will be filled on a first come first serve basis. Course Policies: Attendance is NOT mandatory. There is no way to take attendance in a class like this. However, you will miss out on some opportunities if you don't show up.Participation is highly encouraged. I will be calling on people, some who raise their hands and some who do not raise their hands. If this makes you really anxio us, you may email Honesty: This course operates on the University's Code of Academic Integrity. This Code of Academic Integrity reflects the values articulated in the Student Code of Standards. All students are expected to adhere to a standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of Florida International University. No cheating, no popularizing.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A sales promotion campaign for PG Tips

U. K. is one of the world’s largest tea consumers. In spite of the fact that this beverage has become almost a national emblem, the English tea market is undergoing major changes.Consequently, in order to survive, specialized companies are compelled to adapt to new trends. One of the most famous firms operating within this domain is PG Tips, a company which will organize a promotional campaign mainly aimed at encouraging black-tea consumption.Before starting to delve into campaign details, a snapshot of the U.K. tea market could prove extremely useful.According to BBC (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4556103.stm), the traditional tea market underwent a severe decline between 2002 and 2004 when the sales for tea bags and loose tea decreased by 16% and, respectively, 9%. However, the sales volume of other varieties received a major boost over the same period. The items subscribing to this optimistic tendency were the herbal and fruit tea which increased by 30% and the â€Å"speci alty† varieties (green tea, black tea, white tea, oolong tea) which boosted sales by 50%.The upward trend for the latter category is explained by the young generation’s preferences and concerns. Researches have emphasized that youngsters consider tea to be a fashionable drink which succeeds in ensuring a long-term health, at the same time.Thus, the new trend is the natural result of healthier life-styles and higher social needs. A survey that was carried out between 2002 and 2004 on a sample of 25,000 individuals showed that 80% of Britons drank tea, 70% of the persons aged over 65 drank tea at least twice a day while the percentage of youngsters (aged between 15 and 24) having the same behaviour was 38. Standard tea continues to have the highest share in terms of retail sales (63%) compared with herbal and fruit teas which account for only 27%. Moreover, the English breakfast tea is the first choice when it comes to the Britons’ preferences.In conclusion, tea co mpanies have lost market share because they have failed to meet the new generation’s requirements and needs. This is not as preoccupied with maintaining tradition as it is with being healthy and in fashion, at the same time.Consequently, if PG Tips wants to boost its sales, it should focus on this market segment which seems to gain more and more adherents every day. Additionally, one could say that the new trend works in favor of PG’s main objective (promoting black tea) as â€Å"specialty† varieties are those who have had the most significant increase over the last few years.Therefore, the company will reposition tea brands by focusing on health benefits and special moments shared with friends or family when chatting over a cup of tea creates a warm, relaxing atmosphere. Thus, tea will be promoted as both natural medicine and social anthem, acting as a liaison among individuals belonging to the same group.The target audience will encompass persons aged between 15 and 45, situated within the medium and superior social strata and having an average or superior level of education (or belonging to families which have an average/superior level of education, in the case of the youngest). The audience will include consumers and non-consumers, at the same time.The sales promotion will be an event capable of revealing tea benefits, and implicitly, achieving the campaign’s objectives. In time, tea has become a habit within the framework of the quotidian landscape. Buying and drinking such beverage has turned into a routine which has lost its attractiveness to marketers.These have preferred to focus on new brands of automobiles, perfumes, sweets and so forth which are considered to be more enticing in terms of advertising. Consequently, tea has been neglected and has begun to lose market share as any fire ceases to burn when not appropriately fuelled. Thus, PG Tips will try to remind the advantages of drinking tea (and especially, black tea) t o Britons.By highlighting the impact on health, the campaign will make non-consumers switch from other hot beverages to the PG’s black tea. Moreover, those who already are consumers of this product will feel as some sort of veterans who have made the right choice before their less expert counterparts who have discovered the nature’s miracle later. This conclusion will feed their ego and strengthen their loyalty to the PG’s products.To sum up, I’d say that the sales promotion will strongly impact on both consumers and non-consumers, thus managing to increase the total share that PG Tips holds in the home tea market.The sales promotion will consist of a three-tool mix: free samples, point-of-sale displays and a contest.  Free samples of black-tea bags will be given to customers in supermarkets and hypermarkets. These will be accompanied by attractive leaflets that will emphasize the major health benefits comprising reduced risk of stroke and heart attacks , stronger immune response and faster recovery after a stressful event.In order to achieve higher credibility, fliers should name the research institutes which have carried out the respective studies – e.g. The Netherlands National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, the Brigham and Women’s Hospital etc. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_benefits_of_tea).Secondly, in-store merchandising will play a major role through posters situated at the store entrance or at the tea shelves. These displays will attract viewers by statements like:† PG Tips cares about your health and takes you on a Tea Tour† which will surely determine customers to read more.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Case study # An Invisible Superintendent Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

# An Invisible Superintendent - Case Study Example However, considering the busy schedule of the superintendent, Dr. Myer could have sought alternative options of communications. For instance provide written a submission of her proposal. The conduct of the superintendent may not be voluntary. Since acquiring his job, he has been provided with numerous tasks that may require more time that he has to attend to all his duties. For instance, he was appointed to the board of a local bank and local United Way (Lecture Notes, 2014, pp.6, Par 2). In this case, the professional conflict between the school and other working positions is created. As a board member, he is required to perform administrative duties in all these institutions. These acquaintances can be attributed to the behavior on being absent in his administrative post at the school. However, at one time the superintendent was attending to a family emergency, and Dr. Myers needed his presence at the school. His absence at work place is also caused by the conflict in his personal relationship and professional life. Dr. Myers was justified and appropriate. As a board member, she had the opportunity to inspire people of Placid Falls. She developed a project that would increase the significance of the school in the district. She was hopeful and accurate that the project would be successful. However, to her disappointment she could get the superintendent to approve of her proposal. Furthermore, she was dissatisfied that she was not provided with the opportunity to present the proposal to the board. For this reason, she was angered by the school administration to ignore the seriousness of the issue. However, she was in a position to push her proposal to the board through other channels. Additionally, she could seek legal guidance from her husband on the best way to handle the situation. The role of a head school administrator requires a person that may spend a lot of time at their work station. For this reason,